Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From the failure of Copenhagen to the ecolocaust in the Gulf of Mexico

Perhaps Bolivian president Evo Morales is right. Perhaps our Capitalist system will end up destroying not only our Arctic habitat but also most of the ecosystems in the planet. Yet, what is required is simple: corporations have to be accountable both in social end environmental terms. Their actions must require first citizens' informed approval. Capital, money alone has no morals, no sense of community. And money does not make more money. People make money and give value to it. If money could make money on its own, you would be able to leave a 20 dollar bill on your night table before going to sleep and, oh miracle! in the morning you'll find not 20 but 40 $. But it doesn't happen like this. People create value with their work. And who is the investor? Why is he so revered? Now in the process of making more money, Capitalism is actually destroying the very source of prosperity: working people in the Gulf of Mexico, now deprived of their means of subsistence.

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